The goal of the Studio School is to provide a learning environment in a multi-disciplinary arts location that trains students to organize, protect, document and display art and objects that represent the rich diversity of human creativity. The School is located at ArtEgg Studios, a location that houses more than 30 working artists and collectors. As a result, Studio School students will be able to interact with painters, photographers, writers, collectors, glass blowers, woodcarvers, potters and printmakers as well as conservators.
The Studio School provides technical training to art and art-related workers to learn the technical aspects of art documentation, care and handling. In addition, the Studio School provides a rich environment for academic as well as hands-on experience in a laboratory setting that enables students to experience a broad range of fine and decorative art and objects from different cultures.
The Studio School offers the Certificate in Art Documentation, which requires 24 credit hours of study. The Studio School trains people for positions such as Gallery Assistant, Museum Technician, Art Documentation Specialist, Archival Assistant and other entry-level positions in the art world.
About our Logo
The logo symbolizes the interconnectivity of the arts and humankind; the balancing of the artistic pallet with the curator’s eye, together forming a unified whole. So too the Studio School seeks to develop artistic appreciation, preservation and conservation so that humankind’s creative endeavors can be appreciated for generations to come.
William E. Bertrand, PhD
Esther R. Dyer, DLS
Kenneth Jay Linsner, ASA, SCV
Alfredo O’Campo, PhD
Esther R Dyer
One credit represents 15 clock hours. Courses are held for 10 weeks with additional practicum and lab or project work required. A student is classified as full-time who takes 12 or more credit hours per semester. The internship can be completed concurrently with academic courses. Internships require 20 clock hours per academic credit.
Class attendance is an obligation. All students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may lead to being dropped from the course or a failing grade. Each course and instructor has explicit requirements. It is the instructor’s prerogative to define “excused” and “unexcused” absences. If a student has “unexcused” absences for more then 20% of the total scheduled classes, the instructor may drop the student from the course. Students who are dropped may appeal the action and may apply for remedial assignments to complete the requirements.
Students who have been dropped for excessive absences or who have dropped courses may request reinstatement. If the instructor approves the reinstatement, the student may continue the course with the remedial assignments agreed upon.
Changes to Course Schedule
Students may not change courses after the end of late registration. Please see financial fees for information on course refund for withdrawing from scheduled courses. The Studio School reserves the right to cancel courses that do not meet the minimum number of students required (8 for Level I and II). Level III and the Capstone project are independent and guided learning experiences and not subject to the minimum class size requirement.
Grading System
Degree of attainment of course objectives is indicated by a point system:
4 = Outstanding
3 = Above average
2 = Average
1 = Passing, below average
0 = Failure
W = Withdrawn
I = Incomplete
P = Pass – used for Internships
A = Audit
Quality points earned for each courses are determined by multiplying the number of quantity points for each grade by the number of credit hours each course carries. A students grade point average is computed by adding the total quality points for all course for which quality point values may be computed, then dividing by the corresponding number of credit hours attempted during the same period. The grade of pass “P”or “F” is awarded for internship courses. A student who believes a grade has been calculated incorrectly may appeal within one semester of earning the grade. Students may repeat a course in which he or she has enrolled previously and pay the requisite fees. The grade in the first course is not counted toward the student’s overall average.
Academic Status
A student’s academic status is a general indication of the student’s eligibility to remain in school and is determined on a case-to-case basis. A student’s average “grade point average” or “GPA” of 2 or better is required to graduate.
Graduation Requirements
The Studio School awards a Certificate in Art Documentation upon satisfactory completion of 24 credits of approved study.
1. Completed work in each level as specified, with an average of 2 or better with a minimum of 24 credits.
2. A passing grade of P for internship/fieldwork experience
3. Certification all fees have been paid in full.
Student Complaints
Students Complaints relative to actions of school officials shall be addressed to the Louisiana State Board of Regents, Proprietary Schools Section, PO Box 3677, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677. 225.342.4253, only after the Student has unsuccessfully attempted to resolve the matter with the School, after having first filed a written and signed complaint with the School’s Officials.
The Studio School is a proprietary school, located in ArtEgg Studios, 1001 South Broad Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. ArtEgg Studios is a 50,000 square foot, former produce warehouse that has been converted to working studios for artists, collectors, museums. An urban creative arts center, ArtEgg Studios has more than 30 tenants representing the rich diversity of the arts.
There is a Design Lab which is available for students and provides internet access, state-of the art equipment for photographic and digital documentation. Classes are held in the Studio School multimedia classroom which holds a maximum of 24 students. There is a kitchen, art library and access to a major and growing collection of ethnographic and artwork. The latter is part of the donated work for the Heritage Foundation for Art and Cultural Sustainability, also housed at ArtEgg Studios. The value of the Foundation’s collection is approximately $400,000. After completing Level I courses, students will be prepared to work on designated teaching collections from this rich and varied corpus of art. Field placements will be organized with cooperating institutions such as the New Orleans African American Art Museum, Crescent Gallery, the Ogden Museum, the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Arts Council of New Orleans, the Conservation Studio of Richard White, No-Ox Fumigation Services, Kenneth Jay Linsners’ Conservation and Valuation Lab and private collections.
There are individual painters, collectors, set builders, conservators, woodworkers and glassblowers who have working studios in ArtEgg. These professional artists will be the mentors for Level II courses and several studios will be available as venues for Level III internships.
The Studio School is located in ArtEgg Studios, an Urban Creative Art Center at
1001 South Broad Street
New Orleans, LA 70125.
Directions to the Studio School
Phone 504.822.4002
Please call in advance to schedule a tour.