ArtEgg Studios is a 50,000 sq. ft. former produce warehouse for American Beauty Eggs, Butter and Turkeys. Located in the Broad Street Cultural Products District, ArtEgg was founded in 2001 by Dr. Esther R. Dyer.  Since  inception, ArtEgg has been a creative space for creative people. ArtEgg is close to the SuperDome, Arena, MidCity, CBD and Uptown –  and a great location for filming, photo shoots, craft services, ArtEgg’s community comprises artists, craftsmen, photographers, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and many creative people.

Devastated after Katrina, the once proud warehouse was totally renovated, restored and upgraded to include sustainable design features such as bamboo flooring, solar tracking skylights, solar tubes, energy efficient fixtures. The first floor has intact produce coolers converted to storage for art collections, studios for artists and musicians, workshops for set builders, and offices for nonprofits and entrepreneurs. The upper floor houses creative individuals and non-profit organizations. There are painters, photographers, woodworkers and mixed-media artists. We are proud to be home to the Change for Development Foundation, the Heritage Foundation on for Arts and Cultural Sustainability and The Clay Center of New Orleans. In addition, ArtEgg is heme to Next to Nothing Wines (N2N), a wine bar and shoppe and Atelier Vie, a distillery. 

ArtEgg’s original signs have been restored on the Earhart wall. ArtEgg’s iconic sign Everybody Loves a Good Egg has been part of New Orleans history and by-wayws. The clock prop above the door to Studio 105 was in the bus station scene of Love Song for Bobby Long with Scarlett Johansson and John Travolta. Props for Benjamin Button were also conceived at ArtEgg and Court 13’s highly acclaimed Glory at Sea ( was filmed in what is now Studio 101 and Beasts of the Southern Wild post production was completed at ArtEgg. While many photographers are part of ArtEgg’s community, and others have used it for photo shoots, our most famous commercial is Penzoil’s Brett Favre promotion. Casting for the Treme pilot was hosted by ArtEgg and the 2018 season of The Purge was filed at ArtEgg.

“Everybody Loves a Good Egg”